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Tax receipts and slips schedule for 2022 Thumbnail

Tax receipts and slips schedule for 2022


  • March 1, 2022: 2021 RRSP contribution deadline
  • March 30, 2022: Deadline to file a Trust return
  • April 30, 2022: 2021 tax filing deadline for individuals

Tax receipts and slips schedule: Registered accounts

Tax document Description Regulatory deadline
RRSP contribution receipts – For contributions made prior to Dec 31, 2021 Reports contributions to a RRSP regardless of amount. Feb. 5, 2022
RRSP contribution receipts – For contributions made between Jan. 1 and Mar. 1, 2022 Reports contributions to a RRSP regardless of amount. Feb. 5, 2022
T4RSP/T4RIF/Relevé 2 (RL-2)
  • Reports withdrawals and tax from a RRSP/RRIF regardless of amount.
  • Quebec residents also receive RL-2.
Feb. 28, 2022
T4A/Relevé 1 (RL-1)
  • Reports withdrawals and tax from a RESP regardless of amount.
  • Quebec residents also receive RL-1.
Feb. 28, 2022
TFSA Non-Qualified Investment Summary
  • Reports non-qualified acquisitions and dispositions in TFSA.
  • Manulife Wealth Inc. only.
Feb. 28, 2022
RRSP/RRIF Non-Qualified Investment Summary
  • Reports non-qualified acquisitions and dispositions in RRSP / RRIF.
  • Manulife Wealth Inc. only.
Feb. 28, 2022
NR4 (Registered plans)
  • Reports withdrawals and tax from a RRSP/RRIF if $50 or more gross income was paid during the year. 
  • If less than $50 was paid and tax was withheld, this is also reported on the NR4.
Mar. 31, 2022

Tax receipts and slips schedule: Non-Registered accounts

Tax document Description Regulatory deadline
  • Reports U.S. sourced dividends, interest and deposits paid to a U.S. Person (U.S. citizen), issued to U.S. Persons (U.S. citizens and U.S. residents). 
  • Type of income and tax reported can vary. 
  • Manulife Wealth Inc. only.
  • NOTE: You may want to reference the Income Tax Reporting Guide for more information for Manulife Wealth Inc..


Jan. 31, 2022
T5/Relevé 3 (RL-3)/Summary**
  • Reports Canadian and foreign income of $50 or more.
  • Quebec residents also receive a RL-3.
  • Income from Mutual Fund Corporations are reported by Mutual Fund Companies.
Feb. 28, 2022
Foreign Asset Verification Report
  • Reports foreign property (including US stock).
  •  Clients who own more than $100,000 CAD in foreign property are required to report this information to the CRA on a T1135. 
  • Manulife Wealth Inc. only.
Feb. 28, 2022
  • Reports taxable gains and losses (dispositions of securities).
  • Manulife Wealth Inc. Investment Services Inc (MSIS) – Taxable gains/losses from mutual fund corporations are reported by mutual fund companies.
  • NOTE: You may want to reference the Income Tax Reporting Guide for more information for Manulife Wealth Inc. and Manulife Wealth Inc. Investment Services Inc.
Feb. 28, 2022
T5008/Relevé 18 (RL-18)
  • Taxable gains/losses from mutual fund corporations are reported by mutual fund companies. 
  • Québec residents may be issued a combined T5008/RL-18 instead of separate T5008 and RL-18 slips. 
Feb. 28, 2022
T3/Relevé 16 (RL-16)
  • Reports income and capital gains deemed to have been received from Trust Units during the trust’s fiscal year. 
  • Quebec residents also receive an RL-16.
  • Income from mutual fund trusts are reported by fund companies.
Mar. 31, 2022
T5013/Relevé 15 (RL-15)
  • Reports distributions received from Limited Partnerships during the partnership’s fiscal year.
  • Quebec residents also receive a RL-15.
Mar. 31, 2022
NR4/Summary** (Non-Registered)
  • Reports Canadian-sourced income and tax if more than $50 gross income was paid during the year.
  • If less than $50 was paid and tax was withheld, this is also reported on an NR4.
  • Income from mutual fund corporations is reported by mutual fund companies.
Mar. 31, 2022
Masters Fee Summary** Summary list of fees (including taxes) charged in a given calendar year including which account(s) the fees were paid in Provided for non-registered accounts only. Not applicable
Advisor Managed Program Fee Summary** Summary list of fees (including taxes) charged in a given calendar year including which account(s) the fees were paid in Provided for non-registered accounts only. Not applicable
Premier Fee Summary** Summary list of fees (including taxes) charged in a given calendar year including which account(s) the fees were paid in Provided for non-registered accounts only. Not applicable

For more information, visit the Canada Revenue Agency website at www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency.html

For More information visit: https://manulifewealth.ca/

*Online delivery of tax documents is provided through Manulife online access.  Online tax documents are available for all Manulife Wealth Inc. nominee clients and are expected to be available within a week of the mailing date.  Clients who have elected the online delivery of account documents will receive an email notification when the document is available for viewing.

** These are not official tax documents and there is no official regulatory deadline.